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2024 is coming to an end and we want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your dedicated commitment, constructive cooperation, confidence,…
Partial discharge (PD) in gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) and gas-insulated lines (GIL) is a leading indicator that a fault will occur in the…
RelaySimTest is a software solution for system-based protection testing with OMICRON test equipment. The test approach is independent of relay type,…
Since the initial release of the MPD Suite software for our latest-generation MPD 800 partial discharge measurement and analysis system in March 2020,…
Whenever a power transformer is isolated from the power system, residual magnetism remains in its core due to a phase shift. Residual magnetism also…
Performing offline electrical tests on transformers can be time-consuming, especially when the field measurements are not captured correctly the first…