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Volume 15 | Issue 2
The new CMC 500: Simply revolutionary. Revolutionarily simple.
Our ultra-high-frequency partial discharge monitoring solution for GIS and GIL
Preparing for cyber attacks
How Glitre Nett found the right intrusion detection system for their networks
Generative Artificial Intelligence in the…
Volume 15 | Issue 1
Ready for the challenges of a zero-emission future
In collaboration with OMICRON, BASF shows how to successfully introduce a new data and testing strategy
Our cybersecurity system shines with distinction
OMICRON receives security certificate from…
Volume 14 | Issue 2
Protection system validation with digital twins
Iterative Closed Loop Testing for virtual IEDs
How Iceland is breaking new ground
Landsnet and OMICRON pave the way for the future of digital substations through cooperation
VT testing at Semar…
Volume 14 | Issue 1
Empowering women in electrical engineering
The success of the OEW initiative
Knowing ahead of time
Trending the insulation condition of generators to avoid failures and downtime with MONGEMO
Increased measurement safety with the new ground…
Volume 13 | Issue 2
Security assessment findings and frequently occurring risks in Substations and Power Plants
Learn more with our OT security engineer Ozan Dayanc
Rocking the Middle East and Africa
The energy industry's interest in the compact, battery-powered…
Volume 13 | Issue 1
Experience the OMICRON Customer Care Center
A playground for electrical power industry engineers
Experience the OMICRON Customer Care Center (OCC) in Klaus, Austria
Mastering the art of UHF partial discharge measurements
Our new UHF 800 offers you an optimal signal-to-noise ratio
Volume 12 | Issue 2
Black start using a ramp-up network
Ready For an Emergency
Follow us through the preparation phase for a rapid grid restoration pilot test using a ramp-up network.
CPC 100 expert tips
Benefit from the knowledge of our experts and get a few helpful tips about our multifunctional…
Volume 12 | Issue 1
The magic of electrical science
On-site testing with help from afar
Come along with us to the on-site commissioning of a newly installed air-insulated 27.5 kV switchgear system and perform additional offline PD measurements on the switchgear via video conference.
OMICRON Academy…
Volume 11 | Issue 2
TWX1 – Testing traveling wave protection relays with our TWX1 accessory
Going flat-out for your safety: enhancing our safety concept
Cyber-Security starts in production: how we hardened the entire production chain against the various security threats
Software quality: teamwork in the development process
Volume 11 | Issue 1
MPD 800 - Our Next Generation MPD for Partial Discharge Testing
Let’s go digital together: Introducing Great Britain’s first fully digital substation trial Internationally
A matter of time and quality: How our automatic testing solution sets the bar for testing protection systems
Software quality: Real teamwork
Volume 10 | Issue 2
How to Frustrate Hackers
TESTRANO 600: On the Road to Success
Internationally Recognized Calibration Expertise: With OMICRON Calibrations we extend and improve our service off er for test sets
A Reliable Partner in the World of Medium-Voltage Cables: b2 electronics as part…
Volume 10 | Issue 1
Discover the Newest Stars in Test Universe 4.00
More than a product: The benefits you get in addition
In the depths of the SAS: StationScout makes Substation Automation Systems (SAS) transparent
Smaller, lighter and more powerful: New solution for rotating machines testing
Volume 9 | Issue 2
Only the Best Make It to Our Customers - How We Ensure the Reliability of Our Test Sets
20,000 CMCs sold: How it all began
Avoid the element of surprise: Using the MPD 600 and OMS 605 for in-service partial discharge (PD) testing to detect developing insulation defects
Overcoming the challenge of data handling
Volume 9 | Issue 1
Power Transformer Diagnosis in One Day
One for all: Leading transmission system operator picks CIBANO 500 to test all types of circuit breakers with one system
The cyber dilemma: How to include security in networked protection technology
OMICRON Academy training around-the-clock
Volume 8 | Issue 2
Substations: The Challenges of Commissioning
Compact work unit: The three-phase CMC 430 extends the successful CMC family
Voltage transformers: Why you should check your voltage/potential transformers
Software development: New EnerLyzer Live measurement software based on the Scrum Method
2016, application, compano 100, germany, helmet, indoor, male, notebook, stadtwerk am see, substation, transport case, yellow, 2016, application, compano 100, germany, helmet, indoor, male, notebook, stadtwerk am see, substation, transport case, yellow
2016, application, compano 100, germany, helmet, indoor, male, notebook, stadtwerk am see, substation, transport case, yellow, 2016, application, compano 100, germany, helmet, indoor, male, notebook, stadtwerk am see, substation, transport case, yellow
Volume 8 | Issue 1
Teamwork with the Push of a Button
COMPANO 100: Testing tool for basic protection tasks
Get the Whole Picture – How PTM can improve your power transformer testing
What We Work For – Every Single Day
Volume 7 | Issue 2
A True Multitool: Recloser Control Testing Redefined With ARCO 400
TESTRANO 600: True 3-Phase Testing Makes the Difference
More than Just a Job: Excellent service can be challenging sometimes
Keep Calm and Use ADMO: Good maintenance management advice
Volume 7 | Issue 1
Routine Testing on Circuit Breakers at ABB in Switzerland
Keeping Machines Up and Running: New MONGEMO PD Monitoring System
On Site: OMICRON in Slovenia
Boom on the Bosporus: Turkish Success Story ENTES Turns to OMICRON
Volume 6 | Issue 2
OMICRON Campus: Insight Into an Inspiring Working Environment
Test solutions for generators: ensuring a safe and reliable power supply
RelaySimTest: for a safe journey in the future
First-class customer support: listening and understanding
Volume 6 | Issue 1
Bound to Specified Size: The New Standard for Distance Protection
VOTANO 100: Accurate voltage transformer testing on site
IEC 61850 testing: GOOSEs in the Namib Desert
MONTRANO: Continuous monitoring of transformers
2014, application, blue sky, cable drum, cables, circuit breaker, cp cu1, cp gb1, cpc 100, current transformer, eon, germany, glasses, helmet, male, outdoor, substation, sun, transport case, wired, 2014, application, blue sky, cable drum, cables, circuit breaker, cp cu1, cp gb1, cpc 100, current transformer, eon, germany, glasses, helmet, male, outdoor, substation, sun, transport case, wired
2014, application, blue sky, cable drum, cables, circuit breaker, cp cu1, cp gb1, cpc 100, current transformer, eon, germany, glasses, helmet, male, outdoor, substation, sun, transport case, wired, 2014, application, blue sky, cable drum, cables, circuit breaker, cp cu1, cp gb1, cpc 100, current transformer, eon, germany, glasses, helmet, male, outdoor, substation, sun, transport case, wired
Volume 5 | Issue 1
Commissioning with the CPC 100
From a great distance: Distributed protection testing via internet
CT Analyzer: Unwanted operation due to remanence in current transformers
Keep it tidy: System maintenance, testing and documentation with ADMO
2014, application, austria, daneo 400, indoor, omicaddy, siemens, substation, vkw, wired, 2014, application, austria, daneo 400, indoor, omicaddy, siemens, substation, vkw, wired
2014, application, austria, daneo 400, indoor, omicaddy, siemens, substation, vkw, wired, 2014, application, austria, daneo 400, indoor, omicaddy, siemens, substation, vkw, wired
Volume 4 | Issue 2
Digital and Analog at the Same Time: The New Daneo 400
Partial discharge testing
Novelty CMC 310
The first CMC testing device
2012, application, austria, cables, cb mc2, cibano 500, circuit breaker, cloudy, helmet, male, notebook, outdoor, transport case, vkw, wired, 2012, application, austria, cables, cb mc2, cibano 500, circuit breaker, cloudy, helmet, male, notebook, outdoor, transport case, vkw, wired
2012, application, austria, cables, cb mc2, cibano 500, circuit breaker, cloudy, helmet, male, notebook, outdoor, transport case, vkw, wired, 2012, application, austria, cables, cb mc2, cibano 500, circuit breaker, cloudy, helmet, male, notebook, outdoor, transport case, vkw, wired
Volume 4 | Issue 1
Circuit Breaker Testing
Integrated expert: Testing solutions of a special kind
Power transformers: Pinpointing a needle in a haystack
Tablet controlled: Operate CMC test sets via app
Application, Application
Application, Application
Volume 3 | Issue 2
Michael Krüger: Transformer Oil Flows in His Veins
Power Transformers
Technical service 24/7: Best support
NERC standards
Volume 3 | Issue 1
The CT Analyzer Video Series: The Making Of...
OMICRON Academy: Excellence through education
RelayLabTest: Simulation-based testing
CPC 100 + CP TD1: Mobile system offering the greatest accuracy
Volume 2 | Issue 2
Close-Up: Testing Current and Voltage Transformers
Quality in action: OMICRON´s quality management
Technology of the future: Sampled Values for the power system of tomorrow
Volume 2 | Issue 1
Sharing Knowledge: OMICRON Spreads Know-How
Transformer Drying: Measurements for monitoring the transformer drying process
Dissipation Factor Testing: An historical review
Copyright Paul-Langrock.de. Hinten weltgroesster Solarturm PS 20 der Abengoa Solar in Betrieb, produziert 20 Megawatt elektrische Leistung. beim solarthermischen Kraftwerk, auch Vorbild fuer Megaprojekt Desertec, reflektieren 1255 Spiegel Sonnenstrahl an Receiver auf 160 Meter hohem Turm. Vorn der kleinere, aeltere Solarturm PS 10. Turmkraftwerk, Heliostat, Spiegel, Spiegelfeld, Sonne, Sonnenenergie, Solarenergie, Sonnenstrom, Solarstrom, Solarthermie, regenerativ, alternativ, umweltfreundlich, erneuerbar, thermisch, solarthermisch, Energie. Sevilla, Andalusien, Spanien.30. Juni 2009.
Copyright Paul-Langrock.de. Hinten weltgroesster Solarturm PS 20 der Abengoa Solar in Betrieb, produziert 20 Megawatt elektrische Leistung. beim solarthermischen Kraftwerk, auch Vorbild fuer Megaprojekt Desertec, reflektieren 1255 Spiegel Sonnenstrahl an Receiver auf 160 Meter hohem Turm. Vorn der kleinere, aeltere Solarturm PS 10. Turmkraftwerk, Heliostat, Spiegel, Spiegelfeld, Sonne, Sonnenenergie, Solarenergie, Sonnenstrom, Solarstrom, Solarthermie, regenerativ, alternativ, umweltfreundlich, erneuerbar, thermisch, solarthermisch, Energie. Sevilla, Andalusien, Spanien.30. Juni 2009.
Volume 1 | Issue 2
Securing Energy for the Future
Hot on the trail of residual magnetism: A new way of testing current transformers
Great Place to Work: OMICRON among the best in Europe
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