Primary Test Manager – Top Efficiency for Electrical Testing

One software platform for performing various diagnostic tests, managing data and reporting.

In this episode, Martin Pfanner, OMICRON product manager for Primary Test Manager software, discusses what contributes to making electrical testing on primary assets faster, easier and safer. 

One important aspect of testing efficiency is having a single, automated software platform that provides users with guided workflows and the ability to centrally manage data and create reports for all the recommended tests from multiple testing devices.

An example of one such software platform is OMICRON’s Primary Test Manager, also known as PTM. Martin describes how PTM software has been making electrical testing most efficient over the past decade, and how customer feedback drives its continuous development.

More information about Primary Test Manager Software is available at .


“Primary Test Manager software enables you to ensure top efficiency in electrical testing.”

- Martin Pfanner, PTM Product Manager



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