Grounding Systems

Grounding systems are essential for the safe and reliable operation of electrical power systems. Grounding systems allow a proper connection from your system's neutral to global earth potential. During a single-phase fault, the fault current flows back to the neutral via the grounding system which is ideally as low ohmic as possible. This current causes a potential rise of your entire grounding system towards the global earth potential.

The relevant standards EN50522, IEEE81 and IEEE 80/81 define maximum values for the potential rise which depend on the maximum single-phase fault duration of a system. These standards also mention limitations of maximum allowed step and touch voltages in and around the substation. Single-phase faults can have harmful or even lethal consequences, e.g. for humans and animals, when the maximum allowed step and touch voltages are exceeded.

Products for Grounding Systems


Testing of grounding systems in medium voltage substations

CPC 100 - Why is it important to know the condition of your grounding system?

Measure ground impedance using existing overhead lines or power cables

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